Cases & Publications.


  • Article type

  • Analytical approach

  • Decision analytic support model to guide implementation of laboratory assay

    Cases30 Jan 2019|

    Panaxea to develop a decision analytic support model to guide this implementation. Interviews with key stakeholders were carried out to analyze factors that either facilitate or prevent uptake of this assay, and to identify the most important target groups.

  • Impact Analysis Public Private Partnership (PPP)

    Cases30 Jan 2019|

    In this project we performed an impact-analysis on scientific, translational/clinical and socio-economic aspects of a Public Private Partnership (PPP).

  • Implementation of Integrated Care in Singapore: A Complex Adaptive System Perspective

    Publications16 Oct 2018Bert Vrijhoef|
    study on integrated health care in singapore by panaxea

    This study highlights the significance of effective collaboration to further development of integrated health care in Singapore

  • Is Procalcitonin Biomarker-Guided Antibiotic Therapy a Cost-Effective Approach to Reduce Antibiotic Resistant and Clostridium difficile Infections in Hospitalized Patients?

    Publications18 Sep 2018Bert Vrijhoef|
    Biomarkers in scientific research with panaxea colours

    Explore the cost-effectiveness of procalcitonin-guided antibiotic therapy in reducing antibiotic resistance and Clostridium difficile infections in hospitalized patients with sepsis and COPD. Study conducted in the UK, Germany, and the Netherlands shows significant health and economic benefits.

  • Veelbelovend onderzoekparadigma voor complexe zorginnovaties

    News5 Mar 2018Anam Ahmed|Bert Vrijhoef|

    Realist evaluation bij complexe zorginnovaties

  • Barriers and Facilitators to Workforce Changes in Integrated Care

    Publications29 Sep 2017Bert Vrijhoef|
    Barriers and Facilitators to Workforce Changes in Integrated Care

    This study explores the barriers and facilitators to implementing workforce changes in integrated chronic care interventions. Using a qualitative multimethod approach, the research highlights the impact of delivery structures, health professionals’ skills, IT, funding, culture, and communication on the success of these interventions. Recommendations for future research and practical implications for health managers and policy-makers are discussed

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