Category: News

  • Let the evidence show … Giving the right advice, to the right client, at the right time

    Let the evidence show … Giving the right advice, to the right client, at the right time

    Let the evidence show … Giving the right advice, to the right client, at the right time Evidence gathering and knowledge about a product, and its likely success, adapt and change over the life cycle. Early on the focus is on safety, then later on efficacy, effectiveness and ultimately cost-effectiveness; however, even in the early…

  • Painting the big picture for better healthcare launches

    Painting the big picture for better healthcare launches

    Painting the big picture for better healthcare launches Tunnel vision is a frequent problem with many health and life sciences innovators. They become immersed in a solution or design and forget about the bigger picture – what is the broader problem that the innovation seeks to solve, who will benefit from it, who are the…

  • Care coordination during and beyond the coronavirus: Learning together and faster to strengthen health systems

    Care coordination during and beyond the coronavirus: Learning together and faster to strengthen health systems

    Care coordination during and beyond the coronavirus: Learning together and faster to strengthen health systems Internationally sharing experiences and lessons in the strengthening of health systems and the rapid reorganising of service delivery into new health ecosystems to respond to COVID19 may also accelerate the coordination of service delivery for people beyond the pandemic. Please…

  • New book published with chapter of Bert Vrijhoef and Valentina Vodopivec

    New book published with chapter of Bert Vrijhoef and Valentina Vodopivec

    The book, titled ‘Integrating the Organization of Health Services, Worker Wellbeing and Quality of Care’ introduces the concept of ‘healthy healthcare’ and posits that this new concept is necessary in light of a shortage of healthcare staff in the near future. Healthy healthcare implies that healthcare systems are designed, managed and financed in balance with…

  • Panaxea to investigate cost-effectiveness of innovative stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis

    Panaxea to investigate cost-effectiveness of innovative stem cell treatment for osteoarthritis

    As part of the international consortium of the AutoCRAT (Automated Cellular Robot-Assisted Technologies, grant no. 874671) project, Panaxea is evaluating the cost-effectiveness of an innovative robot-assisted platform to manufacture stem cells that can be used to treat osteoarthritis (OA) and possibly, in the future, also other diseases. Osteoarthritis is a disease affecting millions of people…

  • Geïntegreerde zorg succesvol implementeren is moeilijker dan een landing op de maan

    Geïntegreerde zorg succesvol implementeren is moeilijker dan een landing op de maan

    Het volgende artikel werd gepubliceerd in, 9 december 2019 TEKST: JENS DE WULF Op maandag 28 oktober was professor Bert Vrijhoef te gast bij Zorgnet-Icuro. Hij voerde er een vurig pleidooi voor geïntegreerde zorg. Vrijhoef, CEO bij Panaxea en verbonden aan de Universiteit van Maastricht en de Vrije Universiteit Brussel, lichtte zijn visie en…

  • Veelbelovend onderzoekparadigma voor complexe zorginnovaties

    Veelbelovend onderzoekparadigma voor complexe zorginnovaties

    Het volgende artikel werd gepubliceerd in 5 maart 2018 Door: Bert Vrijhoef, Anam Ahmed, Janne Mewes ‘Realist evaluation’ biedt uitkomst bij het in kaart brengen van de impact van complexe zorginnovaties De gezondheidszorg is op vele fronten tegelijk in beweging. Bij innovatieve interventies willen we graag wetenschappelijk vaststellen wat de impact en resultaten zijn. De…

  • Gamen leert mensen omgaan met chronische pijn

    Gamen leert mensen omgaan met chronische pijn

    Het volgende artikel werd gepubliceerd in ICT & Health magazine op pagina 30 en 31  in nummer 4/2019. Gamen leert mensen omgaan met chronische pijn DOOR MIEL VUGTS, MARGOT JOOSEN, AGLAIA ZEDLITZ, INGE BONGERS, BERT VRIJHOEF Meer mensen bereiken met kosteneffectieve interventies is wenselijk, zodat ze leren omgaan met chronische pijn. Hiertoe zijn online en…

  • Call for new policies to ensure added benefit of newly approved drugs

    Call for new policies to ensure added benefit of newly approved drugs

    Janne Mewes, Anne Voermans, Bert Vrijhoef. How many of the newly approved drugs provide a substantial benefit to patients? When asking people from the general public their answer would probably be “all of them” or “the majority”. A recently published analysis conducted by researchers of the German health technology assessment agency IQWiG (Wieseler et al.…