

Systematically synthesizing (scientific) literature can be done by conducting a review. We perform systematic reviews, literature reviews, meta-analysis, mixed studies, narrative reviews, scoping reviews, and rapid reviews.


Gathering data directly from respondents or study participants by asking them a set of questions is what surveys do. We use different types of survey methods, including online survey method, mail surveys, paper surveys, and SMS surveys.


In addition to Surveys we apply face-to-face interviews, focus group interviews, and phone interviews. Interviews enable us to ask follow-up questions

Delphi method

In addition to Surveys and Interviews, we conduct the (modified) Delphi method or technique to gather the views of experts and to identify the level of consensus among them.


In transferring clinical and economic evidence from one study population to another or combining and linking evidence we use health economic modelling.

Other methods

In the search for facts and explanations we apply those techniques that provide you robust information to support decision making about your innovation.

Let us help you in making your innovation count.